If there is a meat for which I would dare to propose the first pairing of the D.O.G DOURO, it would be lamb.
It's logical that after choosing the grape variety profile, in this case I chose predominantly Tinta Roriz, especially the more robust and complex examples, such as those from Quinta do Fojo.
Regardless of how the dish is prepared, a number of other full-bodied wines from various grapes and regions can also triumph, as long as their character is not overwhelmed by the aromatic fat of the lamb.
I love tasting it with the buttery tannins that will harmonize perfectly with the konkans oranges and honey of the sauce, and the shitakes with bacon make an explosion of textures and flavors. The relentless acidity of the oranges and mustard are balanced with the perfect tannins of Quinta do Fojo's wines. The elegance of the Quinta do Fojo 2016, complexity, medium-bodied was a perfect pairing for its balance and dry tannins, which rinsed the palate well.
But we always draw many lessons:
Never forget that side dishes are as important as main courses, and must be cautiously crafted and served at the same temperature as the meats.
Known and renowned labels certainly impress and add value to those who drink them. There is also the choice of wines from your home country, or the memory of good times. All this will always influence the harmonization.
Because when we taste a good wine, we are not just drinking a liquid, but we are also tasting in all the amplitude of the word "culture".
Roast Lamb with Shitake and Kumquat Oranges
2 kg of Lamb - it can be shoulder, rib, gigot d'agneau (leg of the lamb), I used leg of the lamb and boned it beforehand to make the video easier.
5 tablespoons of honey.
5 tablespoons of dijon mustard - I use half and half dijon/rustic.
Grated ginger.
Garlic - I use 1 whole one, insert it in the meat to marinate. I use chopped garlic for flavor.
300g of Kumquat orange.
Olive oil Garlic, black pepper, salt .
Side dishes
1 kg of peeled potatoes (the skins are fried with pepper and salt as an appetizer and then put in sauce).
600g of shitake and 200g of brown mushrooms.
400g of bacon.
2 cloves of garlic, chopped.
Olive oil.
Salt and black pepper.
Season the lamb with the salt, make wholes with a knife on the lamb and place the garlic (halved and with the center removed as in the video) into the wholes made.
Put pepper and olive oil and the juice of an orange.
Put sprigs of rosemary.
Prepare separately a sauce based on mustard, honey and chopped garlic, mix well and spread on the lamb.
Let marinate in the refrigerator, covered with plastic wrap.
The next day, cut half the kumkan oranges and remove the seeds.
Chop an onion, use purple onion, and spread on the lamb.
Oven preheated to 160°C( Lower fan of the oven setting ), cook for about 4 hours, covered with aluminum foil, always basting with the sauce .
In the last half hour, when it is already shredding on its own, remove the foil and put it on the fan cooking with upper heat/grill function as well.
This way it will be golden on top and slightly crispy.
Now put the peeled potatoes in the pan with the olive oil and brown them.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
In another pan, brown the bacon, then the mushrooms, add salt and pepper.
When everything is ready, remove the lamb and slice it.
If you choose to make the dish as shown in the video, you can seer the lamb in the frying pan along with the mushrooms right before serving, but it is up to your taste.
Decorate the dish as you wish.
Quinta do Fojo 2015 and 2016 are among the wines in our range that pair perfect with this dish.
D.O.G. DOURO exclusive at: https://www.dogdouro.swiss/en/
Enjoy your meal.
Robert Parker
Quinta do Fojo 2015 - 90
Quinta do Fojo 2016 - 92
Vinha do Fojo 2015 - 96+
Fojo 2013 - 96
Options for all tastes and prices that harmonize perfectly with our recipe

Vinha do Fojo, Red 2015 D.O.C. Douro, Quinta do Fojo

Quinta do Fojo Red 2016 D.O.C. Douro, Quinta do Fojo

Séries Rufete Red 2017 D.O.C. Douro Real Companhia Velha